What is Cosmic Smash Booking?

Cosmic Smash Booking is an intentional creativity process. It’s a beautiful mixture of journaling, collage, painting, and mindfulness. CSB allows us to use color and imagery to give language to what we feel - what we are working on expressing. Each page can begin with an inquiry to open you up to your inner knowing, release emotions that have become too big to carry and understand yourself or a situation on a deeper level.


Cosmic Smash Booking gives me permission to show up to the page authentically and messy. It’s a safe place for me to release what I am carrying on my heart - a space to be curious without judgment, to reflect with compassion. It’s where I can go to quiet the noise and clearly listen to my own wisdom.

do you want to try it?

In 2018, I became a Certified Cosmic Smash Book Guide, so I could offer this amazing process to other women.

I use Cosmic Smash Booking with my coaching clients, and I also offer 1:1 Cosmic Smash Booking classes to guide you through grief, stuckness, limiting beliefs, and anything else that might be keeping you from being fully grounded or in a place of clarity.

It’s also a wonderful tool to vision next steps in your life or creative practice.

Interested? Email me and let’s connect!

Cosmic Smash Book pages can be created using any kind of coloring goodies, warercolors, acrylics, magazine and ephemera scraps, and anything else you can imagine.